
Martinez Fleurot Gallery

Martinez Fleurot Gallery

On the occasion of the Semaine des galeries parisiennes de l’estampe et du dessin, the gallery presents engravings by contemporary artist Bich. « Bich is my Vietnamese name. At the age of eight, I had to adopt a middle name to enroll in French schools. I chose: Rosalie. My name is Bich, Rosalie Nguyen. My approach to art has been nourished by my studies at the Ecole Estienne and at the Beaux-Arts de Paris. “Engraving is a demanding profession. I learned it in the Moret workshops, which are a reference in this field”. My engraving projects are resulting from emotional shock. The research work, formatting...


Martinez D. et A. Bonafous-Murat Galleries

On the occasion of the Semaine des galeries parisiennes de l’estampe et du dessin, the Martinez D. et Bonafous-Murat  Galleries present a joint exhibition: a romantic engravings hanging with among others a lithograph of Ingres, «l’Odalisque» and a Venus of Chassériau. A set of engravings of Bracquemont, aquafortist, Belle-Epoque, Matisse’ stencils, a set of Dali – Mythology. And an equestrian portrait of Louis XIV as a crossroad of History !   Galerie MARTINEZ D Gallery . Salvador DALI – Leda and the swan  

Paul Prouté Gallery

Paul Prouté Gallery

On the occasion of the Semaine des galeries parisiennes de l’estampe et du dessin, the gallery is preparing an exhibition dedicated to engravers Seymour HADEN & James WHISTLER. We will present about twenty engravings of these two artists.      

Grillon Gallery

Grillon Gallery

On the occasion of the Semaine des Galeries parisiennes de l’estampe et du dessin, exhibition of drawings from November 8 to 17. Artists : Joseph Antoine d’Ornano / Véronique Terrieux / Ekaterina Posetselskaya / Planas de Font / Pascale Vine Galerie grillon expo Nov 18          

Eric Gillis Fine Art

Eric Gillis Fine Art

Beyond its collaborations and artistic projects, the Eric Gillis Fine Art Gallery participates several times a year in international exhibitions. In October, It presents a group of works at Frieze Masters, London and is also present at the Drawing Fair in Paris and at Tefaf Maastricht.

Bouquinerie de l’Institut Gallery

Bouquinerie de l’Institut Gallery

On the occasion of the Semaine des Galeries parisiennes de l’estampe et du dessin, the gallery displays Marc Chagall’s “Twelve Stained Glass Windows for Jerusalem” series, proofs with dedication and sometimes original sketches.