New catalogues, Emanuel von Baeyer

Deutsch Englisch / German British: Drawings, Prints, Photographs, Sculptures and Letters 1850 – 1920

Spanning from Naturalism to Symbolism, this extensive catalogue offers glimpses into various artists’ lives in Germany and Great Britain as well as in Italy, where many of them were based.

With more than 200 illustrations and 100 artworks, the publication gives a rounded picture of the period 1850-1920, covering most of the important major artistic movements of the time, and often highlighting how literature and visual arts mutually influenced each other in such environments.

Numerous connections identified in this catalogue were not previously recognised and only came to light through research and compilation. Rather than coincidental, this was an intuitive combination of works which gradually formed a network. The catalogue contains a variety of discoveries which added to some of the artists’ biographies, and some important letters have been published here for the first time.

English text. 191 pages, 225 illustrations.

For more information and to order a copy use the link:


Samuel Palmer, 1805 London – 1881 Redhill
The Early Ploughman’ or ‘The Morning Spread upon the Mountains’, 1861
Size of sheet: 28.4 × 38 cm
Signed, titled and inscribed by the artist in pencil: Samuel Palmer…“The Morning Spread upon the Mountains”… Printed at Furze Hill proofs.


2.German Renaissance 1500 – 1550: Rare prints and two highly important portrait drawings

A new publication highlighting rare prints in exceptionally fine impressions, many in early states and with notable provenance. Works by artists of the circle of Albrecht Dürer, his contemporaries and followers, as well as artists from the Danube School, the court of Maximilian I and Nürnberger Kleinmeister. Also including drawings from the period, and among those, two highly important portrait drawings.

English text. 56 pages, 37 illustrations.

For more information and to order a copy use the link:


Hans Sebald Beham 1500 Nurenberg – 1550 Frankfurt am Main
Adam and Eve, 1543
Engraving after Barthel Beham (1502–1540). Size of sheet: 8.2 × 5.7 cm.

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