Meeting with Seiko Tachibana, Le Coin des Arts gallery

Meeting with Seiko Tachibana, Le Coin des Arts gallery

Meeting with Seiko Tachibana, Le Coin des Arts gallery-Le Marais on Saturday September 28

We are delighted to welcome the American-Japanese artist Seiko Tachibana for an exceptional get-together over a drink on Saturday September 28, 2024 from 4pm, at our gallery in the Marais district.
Here you will find all her latest prints from the TOT(« Trace of Time ») series, presented this year at the Paris Print Fair. In addition, we will be exhibiting for the first time at the gallery a series of intaglio prints entitled Fractal, which explores the subtlety and complexity of fractal structures inspired by nature.”


Seiko Tachibana, fractal-ssi-2a(72)b, intaglio, 61,00 x 56,00 cm, 2017


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