Galleries Miranda & Baudoin Lebon: an autumn collaboration

Galleries Miranda & Baudoin Lebon: an autumn collaboration

From September until the end of December 2024, the Miranda gallery will host Baudoin Lebon as a guest gallery in its premises at 21 rue du Château d’Eau, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. For one season, the two galleries will embrace joint representation and will be sharing the same premises, providing an opportunity to bring together the two gallery owners’ collections and their respective approaches, each renowned for their eclectic choices and their defence of strong signatures, united by their ties to Australia.

September 5 – October 5, 2024
Mathieu Bernard-Reymond + Chloe Sells

For the first part of their collaboration, the Miranda gallery and the Baudoin Lebon gallery present a dialogue between two contemporary artists working at opposite ends of the analog-digital field, but who each consider the photographic image as the “primary material” of their hybrid practice : (Where Chloé Sells (1976, the United States) works on her chromogenic prints in entirely manual processes, using paint, ink, sometimes collage and darkroom experiments, Mathieu Bernard-Reymond (1976, France) engages with new technologies to “transform” his documentary images of hydroelectric, industrial and nuclear installations, creating abstract compositions that are both poetic and unsettling.

Mathieu Bernard-Reymond, series Transformation, 2017, pigment-based prints


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