Exhibition Œuvres au noir by Ines Diarte, the Christian Collin Gallery

Exhibition Œuvres au noir by Ines Diarte, the Christian Collin Gallery

The Christian Collin Gallery will present its latest acquisitions of antique and modern prints from the 17th to the 20th century. In parallel, it will host the artist-engraver Inés Diarte’s creations, in an exhibition entitled Œuvres au noir.

Exhibition on the occasion of La Semaine des Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin
Course from 28 November to 7 December 2019

Joint Opening Thursday, the 28th of November  from 5 to 9 pm


Inés Diarte, Cosmos 1, Etching on steel plate, 108 x 78 cm


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