Espaces infinis /Endless spaces, The Sagot-Le Garrec gallery

Espaces infinis /Endless spaces, The Sagot-Le Garrec gallery

Espaces infinis /Endless spaces– Engravings and drawings by Katja Lang.
Opening on Thursday, January 25, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Exhibition from Friday, January 26 to Saturday, March 2, 2024

Nicolas Romand and the Sagot-Le Garrec gallery present Espaces infinis / Endless spaces, the Katja Lang’s exhibition of prints and watercolors. In her works, Katja Lang reveals winter landscapes, with vast expanses of snow bordered by trees or wide plains crossed by back roads.These landscapes evoke infinite spaces, silent and timeless, resolutely contemporary.
In her prints, the artist uses the drypoint technique in both spectacular large formats and small, intimate ones.
The dazzling light of these landscapes also appears in her watercolors, where black is more present
Discover this soothing universe of infinity at the Sagot-Le Garrec gallery.

Katja Lang. Heimweg / Way home 2022 Drypoint 670 x 500 mm

Katja Lang. Strabe nach E. 2022. Drypoint 670 x 500 mm

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