
Exhibition at Sartoni et Cerveau Gallery

Exhibition at Sartoni et Cerveau Gallery

The Sartoni & Cerveau Gallery is featuring three women who will invest the place: – Marie-Claude Debain, parisian artist, exhibits some sculptures and original engravings, – Mélanie Socquet, decorator and editor of fabrics in Lyon and St-Rémy-de-Provence proposes her collection of fabrics, – Lysiane Fayolle, granddaughter of the creator of the Gallery, will present his...

November, 14 2019November, 21 2019
Exhibition “Le Corbusier, Unité”, the Arenthon Gallery

Exhibition “Le Corbusier, Unité”, the Arenthon Gallery

The Arenthon Gallery, to initiate its renewal, proposes a hanging of the book printing plates «Unité» of Le Corbusier, printed between 1963 and 1965 with the Crommelynck workshop and edited by A.C. Mazo. The highly sought-after album by the artist-architect’s collectors, Unité is comprised of 20 etchings with aquatinta, including 17 color plates. The gallery also...

November, 6 2019September, 27 2023
The Baudoin Lebon Gallery at  Paris Photo

The Baudoin Lebon Gallery at Paris Photo

For this 23rd edition of PARIS PHOTO, from  November 7 to 10, 2019,  Baudoin Lebon is pleased to present the public with some works of the illustrious American photographer Joel-Peter Witkin. Known for his unique, baroque and diverse photographs, Witkin will be featured in this exhibition, designed in collaboration with the Etherton Gallery. Man with a dog,...

November, 6 2019November, 21 2019
Cécile Reims engraves, Exhibition Documents 15 Gallery

Cécile Reims engraves, Exhibition Documents 15 Gallery

Cécile Reims, Hans Bellmer, Fred Deux & Leonor Fini Original engravings & interpretive engravings The Documents 15 Gallery presents the exhibition of engraved works by Cécile Reims (French, born in 1927) based on her own drawings as well as those by Hans Bellmer (1902-1975), Fred Deux (1924-2015) and Leonor Fini (1908-1996). Exhibition until 23 November, 2019  

November, 6 2019February, 5 2020
Exhibition “Pablo Picasso, Linocut and 347 suite”, Bouquinerie de l’Institut

Exhibition “Pablo Picasso, Linocut and 347 suite”, Bouquinerie de l’Institut

La Bouquinerie de l’Institut exhibits a selection of linocuts by Pablo Picasso as well as some plates of the 347 series or 347 suite. Linoleum brings color to the engraved work of Pablo Picasso. Using a new process (a single platen for all colors) Picasso will also create exhibition posters, portraits or still lifes. With...

November, 6 2019November, 21 2019
Program of the Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin, 2019

Program of the Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin, 2019

Program of the Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin, 2019 Joint Opening thursday, november 28, 2019 from 5 to 7 pm COURSE FROM NOVEMBER 28 TO DECEMBER 7, 2019 The CSEDT proposes from November 28 to December 7, 2019, a second edition of “La Semaine des Galeries Parisiennes de l’Estampe et du Dessin”. Programmation (to date) The Nathalie Béreau Gallery presents recent...

October, 31 2019October, 31 2019
Inuguration of a second gallery, Le Coin des Arts

Inuguration of a second gallery, Le Coin des Arts

Le Coin des Arts introduces its second gallery, located in the Marais, celebrating its opening by proposing a first exhibition that celebrates the work of Serge Poliakoff by bringing together numerous lithographs and engravings. Also, in the historical gallery of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, it will be the occasion to present many works on paper by Hans Hartung. Exhibition...

October, 31 2019November, 21 2019