Martin Basdevant’s exhibition, The Documents 15 gallery

Martin Basdevant’s exhibition, The Documents 15 gallery

New exhibition by Martin Basdevant from September 20 to October 26, 2024

The Documents 15 Gallery is delighted to invite you to experience the world of Martin Basdevant, a French artist born in 1973, by immersing yourself in his new exhibition devoted to his recent pastels (2023-2024).
Pastel drawing, Martin Basdevant’s preferred technique, will again be celebrated in all its splendor, deployed in its vibrant, shimmering shades. His works are characterized by bright, vivid colors: orange, pink, yellow and blue, which unfold with incomparable force and magic.
Martin Basdevant takes you on a journey through the mountainous landscapes of the Queyras, its skies in motion sometimes reaching abstraction and the purity of color.
His intimate interior views and still lifes play with the nuances and movements of hues; the unique powdery nature of pastel capturing the transience of light.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalog with a text by Alain Madeleine-Perdrillat.

Mountain landscape – Pink harmony, 2024 – Pastel on cardboard – 60 x 80 cm

Landscape by the window, 2024 – Diptych. Pastel on cardboards – 46 x 130 cm

Photographs by Jean-Louis Losi, 2024

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