The Institut gallery is an art gallery located in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Specialized in original prints of the greatest masters of the twentieth century (Lithographs, etchings, engravings ) : Braque, Chagall, Matisse, Miro, Picasso. Created by Alain Mazo in 1954, A.C Mazo publishing house became the bouquinerie of the Institut under the direction of Yves Lebouc in 1970.
In 2007 the Quédillart S.A group was founded in order to merge «La Librairie les Arcades», the formerly place located 8, rue de Castiglione, «La Galerie de la bouquinerie», located 3 bis rue des Beaux Arts, dedicated to exhibitions, «Arenthon», located 3 Quai Malaquais which has just been completely renovated and finally «Galerie de l’Institut» ( formerly Bouquinerie de l’Institut) at 12 rue de Seine.
Purchase, sale, expertise but also editions, the group’s activity is extended over several years. The group invests in various types of artworks lithographs, engravings, illustrated books, paintings, sculptures, ceramics… These works are selected according to the artist and if appeared to be in good condition.
Impressions are collaborations between the artist and the gallery. Our editions include artworks by Buffet, Chagall, Cassigneul, Cathelin, Kuper….
Marc Lebouc is the current President of the gallery, assisted by his sister Anne-Gaëlle Lebouc, Director, and Yves Lebouc, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.